Synonyms MCQs are taken from the past papers of competitive exams. CSS Past Papers Synonyms With Answers.
Choose the word that is nearly most similar in meaning.
CSS Past Papers Synonyms (CSS Paper 2016) Synonyms SET #1 (10 Questions)
Synonym of NABOB is ______
a. Bigwig b. Doubter c. frolic d. converse
Synonym of PALL is _____
a. Light b..Satiate c. carry d. horror
Synonym of SACROSANCT is _____
a. Prayer b.sanctuary c. pious d. sacred
Synonym of LOUCHE is _____
a. Gauche b. fine c. brilliant d. indecent
Synonym of STENTORIAN is _____
a. Violent b. misbegotten c. loud d. stealthy
Synonym of LOQUACIOUS is _____
a. Talkative b. thirsty c. beautiful d. complicated
Synonym of CHIMERA is ____
a. Chimney b.protest c. illusions d. panache
Synonym of TEMERITY is ____
a. Audacity fearful c. shyness d. stupidity
Synonym of PROPINQUITY is ____
a. Habit b. nearness c. capacity d. tendency
Synonym of VOCIFEROUS is _____
a. Numerous b. bountiful c. strident d. garrulous
CSS Past Papers Synonyms (CSS Paper 2018) Synonyms SET #2 (10 Questions)
Synonym of SNIPPET is ______
a. Whole b. full c. fragment d. all of above
Synonym of PUMMEL is ______
a. Compliment b. tap c. approve d. bash
Synonym of INSUPERABLE is ________
a. Invincible b. surmountable c. conquerable d. hostile
Synonym of CRUDE is _______
a. Refined b. moral c. decent d. untreated
Synonym of BALEFUL is _______
a. Benevolence b. malign c. honest d. friendly
Synonym of LAX is ________
a. Slack b.stern c. scornful d. nasty
Synonym of MESH is ____
a. Disengage b.withdraw c. break d. interlock
Synonym of PLACID is _____
a. Temperamental b.tranquil c. stormy d. excitable
Synonym of ZEALOT is _____
a. Moderate b. nonpartisan c. fanatic d. unbiased
Synonym of CAGEY is _____
a. Frank b. reticent c. naïve d. open
CSS Past Papers Synonyms (CSS Paper 2019) Synonyms SET #3 (10 Questions)
Synonym of SLEAZY is ______
a. Fine b. Respectable c. corrupt d. pleasant
Synonym of OXIDIZED is ______
a. Cool down b. abrade c.aid d. prevent
Synonym of BELLICOSE is ______
a. Calm b. pacific c. passive d. aggressive
Synonym of CHARLATAN is ______
a. Honest b. decent c. fraud d. sordid
Synonym of EMBRYONIC is ______
a. Adult b. hostile c. immoral d.Foetal
Synonym of FLABBERGASTED is ______
a. Astonish b.bore c. clear up d. rudimentary
Synonym of VACILLATE is ______
a. Remnant b. persistence c. tentative d. surprise
Synonym of TUMULT is ______
a. Agreement harmony c. turmoil d. quiet
Synonym of SABBATICAL is ______
a. Break b. aggression c. agreement d. solution
Synonym of PUSILLANIMOUS is ______
a. Quack b.sordid c. timorous d. hostile
CSS Past Papers Synonyms (CSS Paper 2020) Synonyms SET #4 (10 Questions)
Synonym of GUILE is ______
a. Slyness decency c. blame d. mad
Synonym of ESSAY is ______
a. Direct b. compose c. attempt d. effort
Synonym of INCEPTION is ______
a. Incision b. unending c. beginning d. growth
Synonym of EXPATRIATE is ______
a. Emigrant b. displaced c. infirm d. male
Synonym of SINISTER is ______
a. Malevolent b. sinful c. ill-framed d. occult
Synonym of CONTRAPTION is ______
a. Intrigue b.device c. sticker d. trend
Synonym of ANIMOSITY is ______
a. Friendly b. flow c. enmity d. vanity
Synonym of CONDONE is ______
a. Trap b. overlook c. conform d. desist
Synonym of PLAGIARISM is ______
a. Copy b. piracy c. deviance d. plague
Synonym of IMPEACHMENT is ______
a. Indictment b. castigation c. contempt d. charge