Hi guys, FPSC has announced 300 Petrol Officer latest jobs 2020 and vacant posts in National Highway & Motorway Police on 30 Jan 2020. Patrol officer jobs are of BPS-14. Along with these, there are 179 more vacant posts in the various department too are announced by FPSC. Interested candidates are suggested to apply before […]
RESCUE 1122 Jobs 2020 [Latest] 552+ Vacant Posts
The government of Pakistan is taking good steps to decrease unemployment. In this regard, The Govt of KPK has announced 552+ new job vacancies in the RESCUE 1122 department to extend rescuee services in the district Shangle, Lakki Marwat, Lower Kohistan and Malakand. These jobs are advertised in the Mashriq newspaper on 26 January 2020. […]
SINDH POLICE DEPARTMENT, Govt Of Sindh Jobs January 2020
Hellow Friends! Here is good news for the unemployed youth of Sindh. Govt of Sindh has announced thousands of jobs in the Sindh Police department on 26 January 2020. These jobs are distributed in various categories under different locality region mentioned below: 6090 vacancies for KARACHI Region distributed as 3370 Posts for Police Constable […]
Maut Ka Khauf (Fear Of Death)
MAUT KA KHAUF AUR INSAN (FEAR OF DEATH) – كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت Kullu nafsin zaiqatul maut -Every soul shall taste death. Maut sy zyada khofnak sheh maut ka dar hai. Jaisy Jaisy zindgi ka Shaoor Barhta hai,zindgi ki muhabbat barhti hai, maut ka khauf b bharny lagta hai. Jis ko zindgi sy muhabbat na ho […]
Importance of internship and how to avail it
Importance of Internship and How to avail it? What is Internship? The Internship is a term that is more or less we hear in our life especially starting or at the beginning of our professional career. What is it and how much an internship is important and the most important thing is how a student […]