Islamic Studies Important MCQs
Battle of Khyber was fought in _____ Hijri?
A. 5th Hijri
B. 7th Hijri
C. 8th Hijri
D. 9th Hijr
Heart of Muslim becomes black as mentioned in Hadith Nabvee When:
A. He leaves Fajar prayer
B. He leaves Asar Prayer
C. He leaves Isha Prayer
D. He leaves three timed consecutively Juma Prayer
Salat to supplicate for rain is called:
A. Janaza
B. Estisqaa
C. Eid Prayer
D. Congrgational
No action in Islam is accepted without:
A. Zakat
B. Tauheed
C. Sadaqa
D. Recitation
Haj is obligatory on:
A. Every Muslim
B. Old Ones
C. Women
D. Those who can afford
Saum (fasting) is resembled in Hadith with a:
A. Strong wall
B. House
C. Shield
D. Castle
In which ghazwa, the command of Tayyamum was revealed?
A. Banu Mastaliq
B. Trench
C. Abwa
D. Badr
____ is necessary to recite for being a Muslim:
A. Kalma-e-Tayyaba
B. Kalma-e-Tamjeed
C. Kalma-e-Shahadat
D. Kama-e-Rad-e-Kufr
The laws of inheritance were revealed to the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in:
A. 03 AH
B. 04 AH
C. 06 AH
D. 07 AH
What is the relation of Hazrat Hamza(RA) with the Holy Prophet(SAWW):
A. Foster Brother
B. Cousin
C. Uncle
D. Neighbors